Buy Gyno-Daktarin Online


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What is Gyno-Daktarin used for?

Gyno-Daktarin cream, pessaries and vaginal capsules are used to treat vaginal Thrush. The medication contains an anti-fungal agent called miconazole. Miconazole disrupts the cell membranes of fungi, which causes holes to appear in the cells membranes though which the cells’ contents leak out. This causes the fungi or the yeast to die.

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
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How to use Gyno-Daktarin

Gyno-Daktarin can be prescribed as a 100 mg pessary, a 1200mg vaginal capsule or as a 2% cream.

Gyno-Daktarin is always inserted into the vagina, in whatever form you are prescribed it. The only difference between them is the number of times you have to apply each form daily and the length of use.

Gyno-Daktarin, as a pessary, is inserted into the vagina once a day for fourteen days or twice a day for one week.

Gyno-Daktarin, as a vaginal capsule, is inserted into the vagina before you go to bed, as a single dose.

Your doctor will tell you exactly how you should use Gyno-Daktarin, in whatever form you are prescribed the medication.

Who can use Gyno-Daktarin?

You should not use Gyno-Daktarin if you are allergic to any of its active ingredients. Gyno-Daktarin is not suitable for children

Does Gyno-Daktarin have any side effects?

The most common side effects of Gyno-Daktarin are an itchy or irritated vagina, a burning sensation, pelvic cramps, rash and hives though most people who use Gyno-Daktarin Cream get no side effects.

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
On Diagnosis, treatments are sent direct to you
by our pharmacy using Next-Day delivery!