Azithromycin and Cefixime for Gonorrhoea


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Gonorrhoea Combination Treatment

Cefixime is an antibiotic, a type of medication that is used as a treatment for infections that are cause by bacteria. Cefixime comes in two forms, as a tablet and in oral suspension form. It is sometimes known by its brand name Suprax. It is commonly used as a treatment for Gonorrhoea in combination with Azithromycin, though it is also used for treating other infections.

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
On Diagnosis, treatments are sent direct to you
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How does Cefixime work?

Cefixime destroys a layer of the cell wall of the bacteria that is causing the infection. This results in the cell wall breaking down and causes the bacteria to die.

Does Cefixime have any side effects?

Cefixime does not generally cause any side effects though occasionally patients may experience diarrhoea or mild stomach cramps. Cefixime can also cause a fungus that occurs naturally in the body to overgrow. This may result in vaginal yeast infections or sores in the mouth. Other side effects include pain when urinating, fever, chest pain or colitis although these are rare.

Who cannot take Cefixime?

You should not take Cefixime is you are allergic to any of the active ingredients in the medication. It was once thought that Cefixime should not be prescribed to anyone who is allergic to penicillin as there is a theoretical risk of the patient having an adverse reaction. This has been largely disproved and can be prescribed with caution in such circumstances. This medication should also not be given to pregnant women or to mothers who are breast-feeding.

How quickly does Cefixime get rid of a Gonorrhoea infection?

Cefixime, as a treatment for Gonorrhoea, is usually prescribed with a single dose of Azithromycin. If you are diagnosed with Gonorrhoea then it is vital that your partner is also treated, otherwise there is a risk of you both passing the infection back and forth to each other. You should be tested no sooner than three weeks after treatment to ensure that the infection has been successfully cured. You should not have unprotected sex until you have received the all clear.

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
On Diagnosis, treatments are sent direct to you
by our pharmacy using Next-Day delivery!