Buy Pulmicort Inhaler Online

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What is Pulmicort?

Pulmicort is a powerful corticosteroid oral inhaler containing budesonide that is used to treat Asthma. 

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
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by our pharmacy using Next-Day delivery!

How does Pulmicort work?

Budesonide works by reducing the inflammation in the airways and the lungs, which causes asthma. Specifically, budesonide works by blocking the inflammatory substances released by the body’s immune system, which cause asthma.

How is Pulmicort used to treat asthma?

Budesonide is inhaled, which means that it is absorbed directly into the lining of the airways and lungs. This helps to alleviate the symptoms of asthma, the excess mucus and the shortness of breath, and in so doing prevents the asthma attack.

What else is Pulmicort used to treat?

Budesonide is also used to treat inflammation of the bowel, conditions such as Crohn's disease, chronic diarrhoea caused by collagenous colitis and autoimmune hepatitis

Does Pulmicort have any side effects?

The most common side effects of Pulmicort are sore throat, hoarseness, throat irritation and oral thrush. Less common side effects include restlessness, nervousness and depression

Is Pulmicort suitable for everyone?

Fluticasone should be used with caution in people who are suffering with a chest infection or a cold, people who have tuberculosis or any other fungal, bacterial or viral infections of the lungs or the airways, or if you have a liver disorder. 

A Free Consultation with our GP is available for this condition
On Diagnosis, treatments are sent direct to you
by our pharmacy using Next-Day delivery!